Religious Education for Children (PreK-5th grade)

“All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be
the peace of your children.” Isaiah 54:13

In Nepomucene’s RE for Children, we grow, worship, learn, and reach out to each other in what is most important: the faith formation of our children!

Faith begins in the home, and the wonderful catechists who volunteer in our program are committed to helping parents form their young children in the ways and teachings of Jesus Christ. This lifelong growing starts in Pre-K and goes all the way through High School and adulthood. Through catechesis, we enable children, youth, adults, and families to know their faith, to grow in moral and liturgical formation, to become persons of prayer, builders of community, and disciples of Jesus Christ.

At Baptism, parents promise to accept the responsibility of training their children in the practice of the Catholic faith teaching them to keep God’s commandments by loving God and our neighbors. To help honor this promise, your children should be registered in our Religious Education Program.
We pray that you will also take an active role in nurturing the gift of faith in your children as a family. Raising them to love and follow Jesus and His church is the greatest gift you can give them – one that will remain in their hearts for a lifetime.
A two-year preparation is required for receiving the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. These sacraments usually take place in the 2nd grade. If your child will be entering at least second grade and has not received either or both of the Sacraments, please let us know on the RE registration form.
We encourage you to read about and explore the many wonderful programs and activities for children that are offered here at St. John Nepomucene. We invite you to consider joining us as volunteer in the very important and rewarding work of children’s ministry.

RE Office Hours
8:00am-12m and 1:30pm-5:00pm Mon-Thu
8:00am-12m Friday

RE Class Schedule
Religious Education Classes are offered for grades PreK -5th :
Sunday, 8:30am-10:30am
Wednesday, 6:30pm-8:30pm


Contact: 972-878-2834
Karim Sullivan, DRE

Children who receive the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Eucharist are encouraged to continue growing in the Catholic Faith.

Students preparing to receive these Sacraments attend a two year program, traditionally, in 1st and 2nd grades. Students in 3rd grade through 5th grade who are seeking these Sacraments participate in the RCIC program (RCIC is a 2 year program).

This religious education program is attuned to the developmental and spiritual needs of children. Our focus is on helping each child strengthen his or her personal prayer life, growing knowledge of the Bible and of God’s unfolding salvific work throughout history.

This annual summer event offers children the opportunity to come together for one week during the summer to celebrate as a community and to learn more about the Catholic faith. All children (PreK-6th in the fall) are invited to experience an exciting adventure each summer. They will enjoy lively songs, creative arts and crafts, bible stories, exciting games and tasty snacks.

Children who are not baptized or were baptized in another faith tradition come together with their parents to study the Catholic faith and prepare to receive the sacraments.

Online classes allows families to be active in learning and growing in their faith in their homes following the same curriculum used for Religious Education classes at the parish. Children in grades 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th can participate in this program. Families are highly encouraged to attend the RE Family Events. At these events families meet other families and are engaged in activities, games, and interactive formation focusing on Christ. Families can register in this program in a case by case situation.

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