
Let God into your life this Lent!

We may often wonder why God is not in our lives more or why things are so hard for us.  Think about this:

  • God created us, loves us, sent His only Son to die for us.
  • God is always there waiting for us.
  • If we don’t see that or are not having that impact our lives, it is because we are getting in the way.

Ways to get out of God’s way and let Him work in your life:

1) Build your relationship with God through prayer:

  • Go to confession—ask for forgiveness and let Him into your life
  • Go to daily Mass—receive God Himself and let Him strengthen you
  • Pray the Rosary—meditate on the life of Jesus and ask for Mary’s intercession
  • Pray the Stations of the Cross—Meditate on  Jesus’ Passion and what love really means
  • Set aside time to be with God in prayer every day—spend time with Him

2) Build your relationship with others through almsgiving:

  • Give to charity
  • Give to those you come across in your daily life who need your help
  • Spend time with those who are lonely
  • Make an effort to do something for someone to let them know you care
  • This list could go on endlessly—just do something for someone else

3) Build your relationship with yourself through fasting:

You know those things in your life that make you work against yourself and God—get them out of your life!

Other suggestions:

  • Eat something you hate to show yourself you aren’t controlled by what you like
  • Sit somewhere different each day at Mass to show yourself you can adapt to the unfamiliar
  • Make the temperature in your house uncomfortable to show yourself you don’t always have to be comfortable.
  • Think of what your particular little selfishnesses are and plan some way to get rid of them

What do you spend too much time doing?

What takes you away from God and your family?

Your phone?

Your TV?

The internet?



If you don’t ever do it, you might consider committing to eating meals with your family as a form of fasting!

Click here to pray the Stations of the Cross that were led by Pope Benedict XVI last year.

The paintings shown are the Stations of the Cross from St. John Nepomuk in Vienna, Austria.  Click on the paintings to get to the meditations.

Click here to go to the United States Bishops’ webpage on Lent.

This website has a lot of good information and resources to help you make this Lent a very special time of spiritual growth.

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