Feast of St. John Nepomucene

May 16 was the feast of our patron St. John Nepomucene.

St. John was born in the town of Pomuk (later Nepomuk) in Bohemia around the year 1340.  After being cured of a childhood disease through the prayer of his parents, John studied for the priesthood in Prague and Padua.  After ordination, he was assigned to a parish in Prague where he gained a reputation as a great preacher.  King Wenceslaus IV heard of him and invited him to become the confessor for the royal court around the year 1379.  In 1393, the king asked what his beautiful wife had confessed, but John would not reveal her confession despite  the king’s attempted bribes and actual torture.  Finally, the king had him burned, tied to a wheel, and thrown off a bridge into a river.  His body was found the next day, and he was immediately revered as a saint.  He was canonized in 1729 by Pope Benedict XIII.

St. John Nepomucene is also known as St. John Nepomuk or John Wolflin, Woelflein or Welflin.  He is often pictured near a bridge (because he was thrown off a bridge) and with a finger to his lips (because he kept the secrets of the confessional secret) and with five stars over his head (because, on the night of his murder, five stars were seen over the spot where he was drowned).  St. John is the patron of Confessors and Bridges.

Novena to St. John Nepomucene

(Pray this once a day for nine days, May 16—May 24)

St. John Nepomucene, martyr for the seal of the confessional, pray that we may make use of the Sacrament of Penance often and with great profit, knowing our sins and truly repenting of them.

St. John Nepomucene, you resisted temptation, torture, and fear of death to keep secret what should remain secret.  Pray for us, that we may have the strength not to gossip or spread rumors about others.  Pray that we will not reveal the sins of others when there is no urgent need.  Pray that our lips will be sealed when they should be sealed and open when they should be opened.

St. John Nepomucene, patron of our parish, pray for our parish.  As a priest yourself, intercede for our priests and help them to guide us well.  Intercede for the people of the parish and for all their needs.  And intercede for me, especially for (mention request here).

Father, you have given us St. John Nepomucene as a model and a patron.  Help us to follow you as courageously as he did and to give ourselves totally to You as he did.  We ask these things through Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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