Letter from our Seminarian

Chris Mummert, a seminarian from our parish, has written us a letter expressing his joy during this Easter Season.  We are fortunate to have a seminarian from our parish, and it is good to see one of our young people seriously discerning what it is that God is calling him to.  God calls each of us to a vocation, and God knows which vocation, be it priest, religious, single, or married, will both bring us the most joy and serve Him best.  If we truly spend the time discerning our vocation, God will lead us where He wants us to go.  And if we are already in our vocation, He will give us the grace to fulfill that vocation.

Pray for Chris Mummert, that he will discern whether or not God is calling him to the priesthood and that he will study well and grow more holy in his time in the seminary.

Pray for all our young people, that they will take the time to listen to what God wants instead of following what the world tells them they should be.

Pray for an increase in fulfilled vocations to the priesthood and religious life, for God always calls enough, but not enough listen.

Click here to read the letter.

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