Healing Service

FrankKelly-HealingServiceComing from Boston…

Healing Service


Frank Kelly

October 15, 2014

St. John Nepomucene Catholic Church

Ennis, Texas

6:30 pm Mass, Healing Service to follow

Frank Kelly travels throughout the country, sharing his life changing experience and
apostolic gifts. His ministry is faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

Francis B. Kelly, raised in historical Boston, MA as the sixth of twelve in an Irish Catholic family, thrived on the tenets of the Roman Catholic Church. Rooted in prayer, sacraments and devotion to the saints, Kelly lived an ordinary life as a husband, father & construction foreman. While working on a hospital jobsite on December 5th, 1985, he was electrocuted by what should have been a lethal dose of electricity. Believing in the protection of his Guardian Angel and Padre Pio, Kelly held tightly to his Catholic upbringing. Not only did Kelly miraculously survive, but the Lord unfolded a dramatic new life. Now blessed with debilitating rheumatoid arthritis and a heart condition, Kelly travels throughout the country, sharing his life changing experience whose fascinating story is the subject of the book, Short Circuit to God; written by David Lang, PhD, with a foreword by Kelly’s spiritual director, Fr. Ronald K. Tacelli, SJ, PhD.
Frank’s teaching ministry consists of healing services which are marked with periods of
individual prayers. Powerfully accentuated by his spiritual gifts, discernment and word of knowledge, his prayers are often accompanied by instructions to pray specific novenas for the intercession of saints; occasionally, the Lord offers scriptural verses that are personally designated for the recipient. Many people have been touched by this humble man whom God uses as a vessel for healing and reconciliation.
ALL proceeds from Frank’s book, “Short Circuit to God” support missionary priests from India and Ghana.
Church Obedience
Mr. Kelly is a Catholic in good standing and has been approved by the Diocese of Dallas to speak at St. John Nepomucene Catholic Church.


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