Father John’s Trip to Czech Republic, Poland, and Belarus

City of Prague in the Czech Republic

Excerpt from Father John’s Travelogue:

We left the Prague Airport and drove into the city to the Old Town Square.  Jan had borrowed his brother’s car to use while I was visiting.  By means of a new GPS device they had gotten for Christmas we were able to make our way to our Hotel.  After unpacking and resting for a bit we went out and just walked around the old part of the city to the St. Charles Bridge where the martyrdom of St. John Nepomucene took place.  You can see me with Jan and Beata on the bridge in front of St. John’s memorial.

Since my plane had arrived at 2:05pm it was now beginning to get toward early evening.  After traveling, then walking around, I was beginning to get hungry.  We kept looking up and seeing St. Vitus Cathedral on the high hill overlooking the city.  We decided to head that direction, uphill, and see if we could find a good restaurant.  I Googled, Prague Restuarants, on my Blackberry and discovered there was a well known restaurant on the hillside below the Cathedral and Castle.  In fact, the restaurant was in a beautiful hillside vineyard planted by King Wenceslaus!  So we made our way up the hillside to the restaurant, Villa Richter.  We enjoyed a wonderful dinner on an outside terrace overlooking the City of Prague at night.  If we looked up the hillside we saw a beautiful winery and vineyard underneath the amazing Cathedral and Castle.  Both the Cathedral and Castle were bathed in floodlights, making an impressive sight.

To read the entire entry, click here.

Village home of Wojciechowski Family outside town of Olawa, Poland

Saint Michael the Archangel Catholic Church – Wroclaw, Poland

Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Czestochowa, Poland

City of Krakow, Poland

Capitol City of Minsk, Belarus

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